Game Classification

Grace's Diary Hima / Piti of GPTouch (Thailand), Jennifer Ann's Group (U.S.A.), 2010 Play it Now !

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Teen dating violence - Healthy relationship - Bystander awareness - Bystander intervention - Domestic violence - Persuasive - Evidence based - Prosocial - Violence prevention
Grace's Diary is a persuasive game. It was developed in an effort to engage and educate adolescents about teen dating violence. The game follows Grace, a teenager who is worried about her friend Natalie, also a teen. For some time, since Natalie began a dating relationship, Natalie's behavior has changed. Grace has noticed this change and is worried about Natalie - more specifically about Natalie's dating relationship.

Grace's Diary was one of five of the Gaming Against Violence games used in a 2016 study showing that these games were effective at changing unhealthy attitudes regarding relationships and gender roles.

The other Gaming Against Violence games used in the study are:
- Another Chance,
- Little Things,
- Love in the Dumpster, and
- The Guardian.

The study is titled:
Gaming Against Violence: An Exploratory Evaluation of the Efficacy of Persuasive Digital Games in Improving Unhealthy Relationship Attitudes of Unguided Players.