Poketan is a game focused on helping Japanese speakers improve their English vocabulary. This game was designed almost exclusively for the Pocketstation. Poketan can download hundreds of words onto a Pocketstation-style memory card for reviewing on the go.
With the Specter the scholastic ghost, who hails from England, as you mentor you will progress through sixteen levels worth of vocabulary. Each level packs one hundred words, giving this game a total of sixteen hundred vocabulary words.
The game has two modes, card mode, and test mode. In card mode one can chose to receive flash cards going from either Japanese to English, of English to Japanese. You will first see either a Kanji or English word then after you've made you guess as to its counterpart in the opposing language, you can find out exactly what that word is with the touch of a button.
Particularly difficult to pronounce, or easily confused words (i.e. ear, air), have an option that will allow one to hear a sound clip giving the appropriate pronunciation.
Test Mode will test the knowledge of what one has learned from card mode. You will be faced with Kanji and have to input the correct corresponding English word. A wrong letter will be corrected. As one wins one will be rewarded by "Transformations" of Specter. As one progress through the provided vocabulary, Specter transforms into various shape, car, dog, rain, etc., and will use the words learned in a variety of sentences.
While playing on a Playstation you will essentially play on a giant simulated Pocketstation. If playing on a Pocketstation you can upload the results of our tests to the Playstation, from where Specters Transformations can be watched.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Playstation (PSX)