In the third game in the Dan Dare series, Dan has been kidnapped by the evil Treens, lead by Dan's arch enemy, the Mekon. He is taken to their scientific satellite orbiting Venus, but it doesn't take long for Dan to break free and go down into their ship. While searching it, he eventually finds an escape shuttle sitting in the launch bay, only to discover that it is out of fuel. He returns to the satellite in an attempt to find some.
The fuel cans are scattered around the five levels of the ship, which Dan can get to by using the Mekon's teleporters. To get to them though, Dan needs to destroy any Treen that get in his way using a variety of weapons, bought by using a computer terminal. Along the way, the Mekon can be seen sitting around, and destroying him will more often than not reward Dan with a pod that he needs to access the teleporter. Dan can use his jet-pack to navigate the satellite, but this will eventually run out of fuel.
This is the 16-bit version of the game, which differentiates from its 8-bit cousins. As well as an introduction that leads into the game, more weapons are added, and each of the game's five levels are structured differently.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Amiga -
Atari ST