From Rick Goodman, lead designer on Age of Empires, and the studio that created Empire Earth comes Empires: Dawn of the Modern World. Empires is a non-symmetrical historical RTS spanning in time from the Middle Ages to World War 2. With 7 different civilizations all with entirely unique units, effects, and special attacks, Empires: DMW focuses as much on gameplay variety as on historical weaponry.
Players can play with up to 8 people or computers online through GameSpy, a direct IP, or on a LAN. Or they can play one of 3 single player campaigns involving Richard the Lionheart's war against France, Admiral Yi's defense of Korea against Japan, and Patton's legendary landing on the beaches of Normandy. Or they can just play a randomly generated map against any number of computer opponents. Level and campaign editors are included in the package, though original units are not supported.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)