Navigatris despite it's title has very little to do with being a Tetris clone. It can be most aptly described as an inlay puzzle with the figures being well-known blocks from Tetris.
The game consists of three big chapters. In each chapter you take control of seafaring vessel and must achieve the point of your destination. During the course of the journey the ship will be constantly damaged. Your duty is to repair all the cracks with the Tetris blocks appearing in the lower part of the screen. The time is limited, and the more damage the ship has received, the less her speed is. Each level has additional conditions: bad weather (bigger cracks), short journey (less time) or bad morale of the crew (blocks are appearing rarely).
Three chapters take player through three epochs: Ancient Egypt, Industrial Era and Modern Day. The game doesn't take itself seriously and features a good dose of humor, which is evident in the preface story to each level.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)