Game Classification

Actual Sunlight Will O'Neill (Canada), 2013 Download it Now !


G/P/S model



The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)


Besides play, this title features the following intents:
  • Informative message broadcasting


This title is used by the following domains:
  • Healthcare


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 17 to 25 years old / 25 to 35 years old / 35 to 60 years old / below 60 years old

Actual Sunlight Gameplay: Based on the RPG-Maker engine, Actual Sunlight proposes to follow the daily life of a depressed young man. The choices made by the player do not change the evolution of the story, a constraint obviously desired by the creator ("I realized that the game was an ideal way of telling this story, because I could literally control and enforce how the player had a conversation with the Toronto Standard)
This game is particularly remarkable for the quality of its writing. If it is sometimes too demonstrative, the scenario nevertheless allows the player to identify with the character and understand the world seen by the eyes of a depressed.
Allows: To spread a message about the complexity of a pathology that is too often misunderstood.

Sector: Education ("I want the game to be thought provoking, not just something that makes people
miserable (or worse) for no reason. Interview with Toronto Standard).
Public: teenager - adult. The game contains explicit warnings about its contents, warnings visible during the game.

Distribution : Internet - Commercial
Platform(s) : PC (Windows)
