Blox is a puzzle game where you have to form rings of hexagons.
You place your pieces on the center structure to make rings. Complete rings disappear which causes the board tocollapse in. You keep placing pieces until there's no more room on the board for a piece, at which point it's game over. Pieces come out from six different directions, the current direction switches automatically but you can also change it manually.
If you get stuck you can force the inner ring to collapse by nuking the board. You start out with three nukes and get a free one every 5000 points.
The game has two difficulty levels; at novice the hexagons comes in groups of three, at standard they come in groups of four. There are three types of hexagons: normal ones with color, indestructible ones that are white and heavy ones which are clear with a white outline. The last two hexagons prevent rings from collapsing.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Atari ST