Game Classification

Borderlands Gearbox Software LLC, 2K Games (U.S.A.), 2009  

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming





This title is used by the following domains:
  • Entertainment


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 12 to 16 years old / 17 to 25 years old
General Public


The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)

The core of gameplay is defined by the rules below:

Similar games

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Borderlands The planet Pandora isn't much more than a desert filled with bandits, mercenaries and adventurers. Their goal: the legendary vault which is said to be filled with treasures beyond imagination hidden on the planet by an ancient highly-advanced alien race. One of those fortune-seekers is the player who has one advantage: the Guardian of the vault is guiding you.

Borderlands is a mixture of first-person-shooter and role-playing-game, short RPS, very similar to Hellgate London. At the beginning of the game the player chooses between one of four characters:Roland: A former soldier. He likes to play with rifles and shotguns and has a Scorpio-Turret at his disposal to keep his back clear.Lilith: A Siren and Phasewalker. She can turn invisible and fights with extreme speed.Mordecai: A hunter. He prefers to snipe enemies from a distance and has access to a bird of prey called Bloodwing.Brick: A Berserker. He doesn't care much for guns and instead uses his fists to win all arguments.Each of the four characters has three different skill-trees available, filled with talents that e.g. increase bullet damage or allow the player to resurrect a friend in cooperative game. The player gets one skill-point to spend at each level up which is of course earned through gaining enough experience points by killing enemies and fulfilling quests for the various NPCs inhabiting the planet Pandora. To kill all those enemies and survive the journey, the player will find weapons, ammunition, useful items like shields or medipacks, upgrades and money on the enemies he kills as well as in chests scattered around the landscape or buy them at vending machines. Weapons and shields come in different types of quality, can have several different types of attributes and mostly come with a level-requirement. The maximum level a player can reach is 50.

Since the player has to travel around much, he has a buggy available armed with a machine gun and a rocket launcher or heavy machine gun at later levels. Since the game also features a drop in/drop out-coop-mode for up to four players, the buggies have enough room for two players with one using the mounted turret and the other driving around the vehicle. [source:mobygames]

Distribution : Retail - Commercial
Platform(s) : Playstation 3 (PS3) - PC (Windows) - Xbox 360 (X360)
