In this game you are the pilot of a battle helicopter of the Federal Armed Forces (Deutsche Bundeswehr) to fly search and rescue (SAR) missions and supporting missions in countries abroad. The perspective and gameplay slightly resemble that of similar games from the period, such as Electronic Arts' Strike series.
In the beginning the player gets to choose a copilot. You may choose between a male and female copilot. If you chose the woman, the game will tell you that women , thus essentially forcing you to go with a man. This reflects the laws of the time, when women were not able to serve in such roles in the Federal Armed Forces. This has been changed in mid-nineties and is not relevant for gameplay.
The player can chose his helicopter from the BO 105, the Bell UH-1 D an the Sea King MK 4. Nearly every mission can be accomplished with each of them.
After a short briefing the player is in control of his helicopter to save civilians from accidents, flood and provides them with dropping food packets and sand bags on broken dikes. There are no fighting missions in the game.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Amiga -
PC (Dos)