Peggle Extreme is a variant of Peggle Deluxe. It was exclusively developed for Valve Corporation as a free game for all The Orange Box-buyers.
Gameplay remains the same as in the original. The player still has to use a metallic ball to shoot from the top of the screen to clear out all the orange pegs on screen. The screen however, is not solely filled with orange pegs. There are several kinds of other pegs which are more or less useful, such as the green peg which allows the player to see where the ball will fly when shot or the purple peg that gives the player a bonus point. All pegs have in common a realistic ball bounce off them but which will eventually find its way to the bottom. There it is either greeted by the great pit of nothing or if the player timed the shot right, fall into a bucket that moves from side to side. If the player hits the bucket, the player will get a free ball.
Each peg gives a different amount of points and if the player makes a especially long shot or make enough points with one shot, the player will get bonus points.
The game features ten all new normal challenges and five Master challenges which are all inspired by games from Valve Corporation. So the player clears the pegs for example off a picture of a strider. Peggle Extreme also features some of the sounds from Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal.
The player can also play against the computer or a friend in a hot-seat duel mode.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)