This game is one of the eight text adventures that chronicles the lives of characters before their story continues in Phantasy Star II. This particular game covers Anna Zirski, a counter-hunter. A counter-hunter hunts down and arrests hunters who have become criminals. Anna is tasked with capturing criminals holed up in a Motavian town. These criminals are accused of illegally accessing Mother Brain in order to disrupt the food production of that region. Anna must put a stop to these hackers.
Gameplay consists of exploring various locations, looking around them to find other characters to converse with in order to gain clues, and searching for items to take in order to use them to solve problems which helps further the plot.
Some items that can be picked up can be used for weapons during combat. When in combat, the players weapon's attack power is multiplied by a random dice roll to figure out the strength of the attack. The same rule applies to the enemy combatant's attack. The goal of combat is to drain all the enemy's HP.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Genesis (Megadrive)