Puzzle Express is, like the title suggests, a puzzle game, where your job is basically to reveal different pictures.
The game is set around trains and train stations, therefore the name Puzzle Express.
Each level consists of a train with one or more important good waggons and a conveyor belt. As soon as you start the level, the train moves in position, placing the goods waggon in the center of the screen. Now the conveyor belt begins to move different sized and formed crates, which you have to place on the waggon, which itself isn't just rectangle, but has different formed obstacles already present. So you have to carefully choose what part goes where, particularly because there is only a limited among of 1x1 crates to fill gaps.
As soon as you have filled a horizontal row of the waggon, this row will vanish and the picture part below it will be revealed. Once you placed the last piece, the entire picture will be viewable. In this case, either you have completed just one waggon in the level or the entire level. If it is the first, the train will move on to show you the next waggon or the entire train will move out of the screen.
The game is over as soon as the conveyor belt is full with crates and a new crate tries to move in the screen.
Besides the pictures provided by the game, you also have the option to add your own pictures to the game.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)