Coastal Heroes is Interactive Vision's fourth installment of their Search and Rescue series. This time around you can control one of three real helicopters: the HH-65A Dauphin, Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King, and the BK-117 C-1. Fly single missions ranging from free flight with no objectives to rescue missions involving full search and rescue. Campaign mode allows you to create a pilot and start a career as a USCG officer. Fly missions creating flight hours and points to raise your pilot in rank from Ensign to Aircraft Commander.
There are two modes of flying the helicopters: easy (more arcade like) and realistic (sensitive controls) and the control setup allows you to choose your type of controls from keyboard only to full flight controls with pedals. You can select the weather (rain, snow, fog, wind, etc.), time of day (morning, day, evening, etc.), start positions (base - stationary helicopter with engines off, hover - hovering in the air at the base) and turn crashes on (take damage) or off (indestructible) when you fly single missions.
During campaign mode (and some single missions) you will play the roll of pilot in rescues, control the flight mechanic (hoist operation, cargo loading and off- loading) and be able to deploy a rescue swimmer or medic who will evaluate the situation of the rescue and advise the flight mechanic on which rescue device to lower to rescue the victim. You will also be able to land and deploy a stretcher team to pick up the victim when possible.
Coastal Heroes is a single player game only. Some of the unique features include: realistic flight controls, all types of weather that can affect your flying and the ability to complete missions in different ways with a critique at the end of your mission adding or subtracting points for what you did right or wrong.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)