Join the Tracy Family in seven old-school mini-games across various locations in the world in order to thwart the evil Hood. The game allows players to control Thunderbirds vehicles 1-4, The mole and FAB1 in a variety of mini-games: TB1, a recon and combat craft, is a side scrolling mini-game involving bombing and shooting ground and air targets while looking for people to rescue and collecting intel on the area.
TB2 ,the rescue craft, is controlled from a top-down perspective and involves puzzle solving and exploration.
TB3, the space shuttle, is a vertical-scrolling, top-down, old school shooter.
TB4, the submarine, is a collection and combat game played from a side-on perspective.
TB5, the Tracy Family Space Station is Brain often hangs out, updating the player with useful intel and story elements.
The Mole is a subterranean digging machine and gameplay in this mode involves exploration, combat and collection - though on the surface it's reminiscent of Dig Dug.
FAB1, Lady Penelope's Rolls Royce is a time-based, top-down vertical scrolling driving game that captures the feeling of Chase HQ from the arcades of old.Each mission involves different combinations of these craft and they occur in places as diverse as Egypt, Bermuda, Nepal, the Rainforests of South America and London. The story reveals clues as to The Hood's intentions, and the player will have to piece them together before Brains.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : GameBoy Color (GBC)