As a Federation Commander, you are in control of your Andromeda ship when the warrior Vagan race attacks. Only your quick man-management and combat strategy nous can save your presence in the galaxy (made up of 4096 sectors across the 64 quadrants) in this Star Trek-influenced game.
At all stages many commands are available to you, which are typed in using 2 letter codes. Instructions include activating the propulsion engines, firing one of your weapons, viewing the scanner to get either a short- or long-range view of the area, or viewing a damage report. Your supply of weaponry is recharged and damage repaired by docking at a Starbase. Time passes as you make your decisions, and attacks on Starbases must be warded off within set time limits.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Amstrad CPC -
Commodore 64 -
ZX Spectrum