Game Classification

gorilla tag  

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming


Classifier ce jeu

Beneath the veneer of Gorilla Tag's language, which creates the impression of a frenzied virtual reality brawl among primates, is an unexpectedly exquisite lexicon. Disregard the act of narrating intricate narratives; in this particular circumstance, communication is exceedingly rudimentary and solely encompasses the use of grunts and gestures.

An open fist signifies a willingness to take risks or challenge, whereas a gentle pat on the back indicates a cautious attempt to bring a conflict to a close. Failure to successfully complete a jump results in dissatisfaction, whereas a successful tag elicits exuberant expressions of triumph. Friends share a unique connection due to the unseen language they communicate with. Through observing the posture and vocal intonation of other gorillas, one can discern their intended message.

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